1. the path is not straight.

2. mistakes need not be fatel.

3. people are more important than achievements or possessions.

4. be gentle with your parents.

5. never stop doing what you care about the most.

6. learn to use a semicolon

7. you will find love


'Chapters of the Wind'

Hand silk screen printed and digital Kimono's. A mixture Of 100% Christian Dior silk With Large sequin embellishment's.

There are 12 original kimonos from the collection"chapters of the wind" Each kimono has its own story to tell with each having a different print on the front and back. Every print has inspiration taken from different aspects of the wind. Looking in particular at a mixture of mark makings,colour,movement,objects,silhouettes,weathering and storms. 

Colour and texture plays an important role in this collection as It is my first step towards moving away from the subtle tonal colour's that I normally work with. To make a bold, fresh and dynamic collection.

The individual kimonos are stunning one off garments that feel comfortable and beautiful to wear. The kimonos come in one size however they are easily altered to suit all needs.

Prices start at £800 depending on the individual kimono.

For more information Please contact me at hannahssiobhan@googlemail.com